Monday, July 21, 2008

Client Side Scripting - More JavaScript Code - Part 2 (STUNNWARE)


Disabling the time selection of a date/time field

You can dynamically enable or disable the time selection box of a date/time field using the following syntax:

var dateField = crmForm.all.<name of datetime field>;

//Check the existence of the time field. It is null if the control is setup to only display the date.
if (dateField.all.time != null) {

    //Disable the time field

    //Enable the time field

CRM automatically enables the time selection box if the date value changes to a non-null value, so in order to always disable the time selection box, you need to add the following OnChange event script to the datetime field:

var dateField = crmForm.all.<name of datetime field>;

//Check the existence of the time field. It is null if the control is setup to only display the date.
if (dateField.all.time != null) {
    //Disable the time field

To initially disable the time field, put the following into the form OnLoad event:

var dateField = crmForm.all.<name of datetime field>;

//Check the existence of the datetime field. It may not be included in a quick create form!
if (dateField != null) {

    //Call the OnChange event handler

Changing the time interval in date/time fields

The time selection box of a date/time field uses a 30 minute interval. You can change it to a different interval using the following code in an OnLoad event:

var dateField = crmForm.all.<name of datetime field>;

//Check the existence of the datetime field. It may not be included in a quick create form!
if (dateField != null) {

    var timeField = dateField.all.time;

    //Check the existence of the time field. It is null if the control is setup to only display the date.
    if (timeField != null) {

        //The new interval in minutes.
        var interval = 15;
        var tables = timeField.getElementsByTagName("table");

        if ((tables != null) && (tables.length > 0)) {

            var table = tables[1];

            //Remove all existing values from the selection box
            while (table.firstChild != null) {

            //Add the new values
            for (hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++) {
                for (min = 0; min < 60; min += interval) {

                    var row = table.insertRow();
                    var cell = row.insertCell();
                    var time = ((hour < 10) ? "0" : "") + hour + ":" + ((min < 10) ? "0" : "") + min;

                    cell.setAttribute("val", time);
                    cell.innerText = time;

Getting the quote id inside a quotedetail form

There's a hidden field in the quotedetail form storing the quote id. You can access it using

alert("Quote ID = " + crmForm.all.quoteid.DataValue);

How to know which button triggered the OnSave event

You can use the event.Mode property in the OnSave event. It will tell you which button was used to save an entity. Not all values are documented in the SDK, e.g the "Save as completed" in a phone call has a value of 58. As it's not documented, this number may change in future releases.

To get started enter the following into your OnSave script:

alert ("event.Mode = " + event.Mode);
event.returnValue = false;
return false;

This codes makes it impossible to save the entity, but allows you to write down all of the values passed to OnSave. You will see 1 for a normal save operation and 2 for Save and Close. Most but not all constants are defined in /_common/scripts/formevt.js.

Accessing the CRM database from JavaScript

To access the CRM database from JavaScript, use the following as a template:

var connection = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
var connectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=STUNNWARECRM;Database=stunnware_mscrm;Integrated Security=sspi";


var query = "SELECT name FROM FilteredAccount";
var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");

rs.Open(query, connection, /*adOpenKeyset*/1, /*adLockPessimistic*/2);

var values = "";

while (!rs.eof) {
    values += rs.Fields(0).Value.toString() + " ";



You may need to adjust your security settings in IE in order to run this code.

Modifying the Quick Create Form

Allthough the quick create form isn't listed in the forms and views dialog, it uses the same scripts entered in the main application form. You can use the following in the OnLoad script to run code when inside of a quick create form:

if (crmForm.FormType == 5 /* Quick Create Form */) {
    //modify the form using DHTML

Forcing the selection of an account in the potential customer field of an opportunity

Put the following into the opportunity's OnLoad event:

crmForm.all.customerid.setAttribute("lookuptypes", "1");

This tells the customer lookup to only include the account (object type code 1). A value of 2 forces the lookup to only display contacts.

Hiding and showing fields dynamically based on other field values

You can do this in client-side JavaScript. Let's say you have a picklist named "new_category" and you have assigned the following options to it:

1 - Business
2 - Private
3 - Unspecified

Let's further assume that you want to hide the fields "new_a" and "new_b" whenever a user selects "Private", but they should be visible if a different option is selected in the picklist. Your OnChange event script of the new_category field will be:

var hideValues = (crmForm.all.new_category != null) && (crmForm.all.new_category.DataValue == "2");
var displayStyle = hideValues ? "none" : ""; = displayStyle; = displayStyle;

To run the code when the form is initially loaded, put the following into the OnLoad event:

if (crmForm.all.new_category != null) {

The test for a null value of crmForm.all.new_category is included to avoid errors if the field is not available on a form. This is true for quick create forms if the field required level is not set to business required or business recommended.

Removing the value from a lookup field

crmForm.all.<lookupField>.DataValue = null;

Hiding tabs at runtime

You can hide and show entire tabs dynamically using the following code:

//Add your condition here, usually a field comparison in an OnChange event
if (condition == true) {
    //hide the second tab = "none";

else {
    //show the second tab = "";

The tabs are named "tab0Tab", "tab1Tab", "tab2Tab" and so on.

Setting the active tab

From the SDK docs:

SetFocus: Sets the focus, changes tabs, and scrolls the window as necessary to show the specified field. Example:

// Set focus to the field.

Displaying related entities instead of the form when opening a record

To open a related entity view of the left navigation bar (like contacts in an account entity), you can use the following:


Each entry in the navigation bar has a unique area name (areaContacts is just a sample). If you haven't already done it, download and install the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar to find the name of the entry you're after. Some instructions on how to use it are in; though it is a different topic, I included some screenshots using the developer toolbar in CRM.

Modifying the color of disabled form fields

Disabled form fields are sometimes hard to read. Making the color a little bit darker greatly helps to read all of the content without loosing the information that a field is read-only.

Open the following file in your CRM web: /_forms/controls/controls.css. Then find the following style:,,,
background-color: #ffffff;
color:    #808080;
border-color:  #808080;

The color attribute is the light gray you're seeing by default. You may change it to #404040 to get a slightly darker gray. If you don't see the new colors in IE, hit CTRL-F5 to reload the source files, including the updated css file.

Removing a navigation bar entry at runtime

To remove a navigation bar entry dynamically, you can use the following code:

var navigationBarEntry = document.getElementById("navProds");

if (navigationBarEntry != null) {
    var lbArea = navigationBarEntry.parentNode;

    if (lbArea != null) {

If you haven't already done it, download and install the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar to find the name of the navigation bar entry.

Changing the color of a label

var label = crmForm.all.<field name>_c;
label.innerHTML = "<font color='#FF0000'>" + label.innerText + "</font>";

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