Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Stunnware Tools Framework for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 - Professional Edition

STUNNWARE Tool is a must for CRM Developers!

As previously announced there will be a professional edition of the Stunnware Tools for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. It's almost complete, besides the documentation, but I wanted to show you some of the features you can expect when going for the professional edition.

I'm starting with the query builder, formerly known as the FetchXml wizard. What you have so far is the following:

  1. Create a query using a visual designer
  2. Paste an existing query, parse it and edit in the designer window
  3. Analyze the query and create .NET code executing the same query with a QueryExpression. Available for C# and VB.NET

The professional edition adds the following new features:

  1. Create .NET code for any available .NET language. Though C# and VB.NET are the most common ones, you can also create code for C++, J# or whatever you prefer.
  2. Execute the .NET code and run the query. It allows you to make changes and test before using the code in your own applications.
  3. Tracking the SOAP messages being sent and received. If you add additional .NET code, like Create, Update or Delete statements, you will get a list of all SOAP messages.
  4. Creates the JavaScript code you need in your CRM forms to access the CRM service. Again, the code is available for each request you made.

The video

I think it's easier to show the application than talking about it, so here's a short video created with Jing (awesome tool). It requires the Adobe Shockwave Player to be installed on your machine though.


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