Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Formatting Mail Merge fields in CRM 4.0 Mail Merge

by Zahara Hirani 01.05.09

Recently, I had to do some custom formatting for mail merge documents in CRM 4.0 and here are a few format examples:

Formatting a Date:
         {MERGEFIELD "MyDate" \@ "M/d/yyyy" \*MERGEFORMAT}

If you just wanted to add the current date when creating the document:
         {DATE \@ "M/d/yyyy"}
Formatting a number as a currency value:
         {MERGEFIELD "MyAmount" \# "$0.00" \*MERGEFORMAT}

Formatting a number as a percentage value:
         {MERGEFIELD "MyPercent" *100 \# "0%" \*MERGEFORMAT}

Formatting a number with a specific format:
         {MERGEFIELD "MyAccountNumber" \# "00 00 000" \*MERGEFORMAT}


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