In CRM 4.0, the “WhoAmI” method can be called using the CRM Service Execute method.
We first create an xmlhttp object and using the “Post” method specifies the request to be handled synchronously.
We then create the request object and using the xmlhttp send method retrieves the response.
The response can be accessed using xmlhttp.responseXML and can be loaded into an XML DOM object (xmlDoc).
The response xml returned contains the system user id and the business unit id associated to the system user.
Once we get the user id, we can use the UserManager web service and use the GetUserRoles method to retrieve all the security roles that exists in CRM.
All the roles that the system user is a part of will have a ‘checked=true’ value.
We then check if the current user has the role we are validating against and based on the result hide/show the certain fields.
Below is the code that would need to be placed in the entity’s OnLoad Event:
//Based on the role of the user logged in, hide the revenue tab on the opportunity
if(currentUserHasRole('Customer Service Representative'))
alert("There was an error with this field\'s customized event\u002e\n\nField\u003a crmForm\n\nEvent\u003a onload\n\nError\u003a " + e.description);
function getUserId()
var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.open("POST", "http://localhost/mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx", false);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices/Execute");
var soapBody = "
var soapXml = "
soapXml += GenerateAuthenticationHeader();
soapXml += soapBody;
soapXml += "
xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
var userid = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("UserId")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
return userid;
return null;
function getUserRoles(userId)
var command = new RemoteCommand("UserManager", "GetUserRoles");
command.SetParameter("userIds", "
var oResult = command.Execute();
if (oResult.Success)
return oResult.ReturnValue;
return null;
function userHasRole(userId, roleName)
var hasRole = false;
result = getUserRoles(userId);
if (result != null)
var oXml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
oXml.resolveExternals = false;
oXml.async = false;
roleNode = oXml.selectSingleNode("/roles/role[name='" + roleName + "']");
if (roleNode != null)
if (roleNode.selectSingleNode("roleid[@checked='true']") != null)
hasRole = true;
return hasRole;
function currentUserHasRole(roleName)
userId = getUserId();
return userHasRole(userId, roleName);
function Crowe_Test()
1 comment:
This is great code, but I am just learning web services and would like to know how to get the Business Unit Name. Can you help me with this?
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