Tuesday, October 7, 2008

CRM SDK Update - 4.0.6

There's been a new release of the CRM 4.0 SDK - available here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=82E632A7-FAF9-41E0-8EC1-A2662AAE9DFB&displaylang=en

There are no major changes in this release, but there are a few aspects of note:
  1. The Plug-in example code now uses the DynamicEntity class as recommended
  2. The code for use of ImportXml, ExportXml and PublishXml looks like it now passes all required XML nodes
  3. There are now instructions for setting up a web reference in Visual Studio 2008
  4. The PrependOrgName client-side function is now documented (and hence supported)

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